The BIT Collective & Chloe Matharu: Taking Action on Ethnic Diversity in Scottish Traditional Music
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87835008181?pwd=b1VmUTNyK0JVWFNyeVFXTEpTVzY5Zz09
Last November, we held a conversation on ethnic diversity in Scottish Folk and Traditional Music, hosted by singer-songwriter Joanie Bones. The conversation explored people’s experiences of being part of an ethnic minority in a scene largely dominated by white men.
It was a very fruitful discussion, and we covered a lot, but we decided it would be useful to have another around the same topic only this time looking to the future, and what we can do as a community and sector to take action towards making Scottish folk and traditional music more inclusive to people of colour and ethnic minorities.
Join us for a conversation about what kinds of action we can take!
The conversation will be hosted by Chloe Matharu, and take place on Zoom from 7.30-8.30pm on 18th October. Automatic closed captions will be turned on, and the session will be recorded for safeguarding purposes. All recordings will be deleted after 30 days.
If you have any further access requirements, please contact us on social media or email thebitcollective1@gmail.com.

Edinburgh In-Person Event: Queer Voices in Folk (with Fredy Clue & Bogha-Frois)
Join The BIT Collective, Bogha-Frois and Fredy Clue in Edinburgh on Wednesday 3rd May, 6-8pm, at Edinburgh Quaker Meeting House (The Meeting Room) to learn about Sweden's first non-binary folk dress and participate in a conversation on queer voices in folk and traditional music and arts.
The BIT Collective are delighted to be hosting this event in partnership with Bogha-Frois, and to welcome Fredy Clue (she/he/they), nyckelharpa playing musician, organiser and project leader from Sweden. Fredy will be kickstarting this event with a presentation about their well-known project Bäckadräkten - Sweden's first non-binary folk costume. Following this, there will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions about the project, leading into an open discussion of queer voices in folk more broadly, hosted by Pedro Cameron (Man of the Minch & founding member of Bogha-Frois). Bring your instruments and voices - we will round off the event with some tunes and songs!
**Spaces are limited - please fill out this form to confirm your attendance**
If you are under 18 and would like to attend this event, please email us at thebitcollective1@gmail.com.
If you have any issues finding or accessing the venue on the day please contact us at thebitcollective1@gmail.com; @thebitcollective on Instagram, or via our Facebook page.
The venue is wheelchair accessible, and there will be a microphone for speakers and attendees. There will be a designated BIT Collective Welfare Officer present.
You can respond to the Facebook event here.
March Monthly Catch-Up - Intersectional Feminism & International Women’s Day
Come along to our March online community catch-up, happening Tuesday 7th March, 7-8pm.
This month, Essa Flett will be leading a conversation on intersectional feminism in the traditional music sector. All welcome!
With International Women’s Day coming up on 8th March, we hope to explore ways in which we can promote inclusive and intersectional feminism in folk and traditional music.
Join using the links below:
Meeting ID: 812 6511 0129
Passcode: 818454
Respond to the Facebook event here.
Automatic captions will be turned on, and the session will be recorded for safeguarding purposes. All recordings will be deleted after 30 days.
Gender Diversity in Piping - In-Person Discussion with The BIT Collective and The National Piping Centre
Join us in-person on Tuesday 24th January, 6-7pm at the National Piping Centre for a discussion on gender diversity in piping!
We are delighted that Helen Urquhart, Marketing & Piping Events Manager at the National Piping Centre, will be hosting our January monthly catch-up.
With musicians from around Scotland and the world gathered in Glasgow for Celtic Connections, this is the perfect opportunity to discuss the lack of representation of women and gender minorities in bagpiping!
The event will take place in the Collinson Room at the National Piping Centre. Wheelchair accessible, all welcome.
Please let us know whether you will be attending and if you have any additional access requirements here.
The National Piping Centre are registered with the WelcoMe platform, so that those with a range of disabilities can be met and shown to the event in an appropriate manner by a member of staff. You can sign up here.
Respond to the Facebook event here.
November Online Community Catch-Up
Come along to our November online community catch-up, happening Tuesday November 22nd, 7-8pm.
This month, Joanie Bones (singer, songwriter, storyteller, and writer of our most recent blog) will be hosting a conversation around ethnic diversity in Scotland’s traditional music scene. All welcome!
Join using the links below:
Meeting ID: 831 0516 8638
Passcode: 953972
Automatic captions will be turned on, and the session will be recorded for safeguarding purposes. All recordings will be deleted after 30 days.
October Online Community Catch-Up
The rescheduled date for our October Community Catch-Up is Tuesday 11th October, 7-8pm.
This month, the discussion will be hosted by Marit Fält and Tom Kitching, and will centre around how to handle unexpected difficulties at venues and gigs.
Zoom details —> Meeting ID: 816 0391 1461 Passcode: 207208
Automatic captions will be turned on, and the session will be recorded for safeguarding purposes. Recordings will be deleted after 30 days.
Women and Non-binary Musicians Representation in Traditional Music, In-Person Event at The National Piping Centre, Glasgow
Our first in-person event of the year is happening on Monday 12th September, 4-6pm!
Join us for our first in-person event of the year at The National Piping Centre, Glasgow, on Monday 12th September from 4-6pm, for a discussion around women and non-binary musicians' representation in Scottish traditional music, hosted by The BIT Collective and Evie Waddell.
This event will consist of a conversation around ‘Women and Non-binary Musicians' Representation in the Traditional Music Industry/Scene’ in regard to getting a fair share of the work, and perceptions of women and non-binary musicians. We will look at “issues”, the “barriers to progress” and identify “potential actions” to shape change. After this, we will round off with a session and informal chat.
All welcome - bring your instruments and voices!
Date: Monday 12th September 2022
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Auditorium, The National Piping Centre, Glasgow, wheelchair accessible
Spaces are limited - please fill out the form below to confirm your attendance!
The BIT Collective August Community Catch-Up
Join us for our next monthly community catch-up! This month, Grace Stewart-Skinner will be hosting a conversation centered around disability, access and inclusion in the Scottish traditional music scene.
Zoom Meeting ID: 821 7174 2198
Passcode: 951742
Tutorial Tuesday - Marketing
Marketing for Practitioners in the Traditional Arts
Eilidh Buchanan
Tutorial Tuesday - Stress and well-being
How to work from home in a healthy way
Libby McGugan & Lorraine Cullen
Tutorial Tuesday - Video
Getting a good set up for videoing gigs and teaching at home
Elly Lucas