Information, Guidance & Further Reading

Anti-Harassment Policy Guidance
This year, Friendly Festivals Scotland (FFS) was established by Popgirlz Scotland, Fanny Riot and POWA Scotland as a campaign to encourage festivals in Scotland to display anti-harassment policies on their websites.

Guidance for Comperes
Created by Esperance, who aim to promote gender quality in the English folk scene, these documents provide guidance for compering in an inclusive and friendly manner.

Lockdown Resources
e have started this resource document as a place to share during lockdown - a place to collate your fave work tips, most delicious recipes, your ways to find space during this time. Feel free to add generously, and if someone else's contribution has been useful or enjoyable, comment and let us know!

Charter of Good Practice
A set of guidelines for a range of stakeholders in the traditional arts to encourage equality

Accessible Venues
A list of venues in Scotland with good accessibility with details of capacity and costs.